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Logic Pro/Express: Marker names sometimes do not show up correctly in exported MIDI files

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MainStage: Pressing buttons on a control surface triggers notes

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Logic Pro, Express: Solo Safe mode may not remain disabled for a particular channel strip

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When a channel strip in Logic is "Solo Safe", it remains audible, even when other channel strips are soloed. Solo Safe is indicated by a diagonal red line through the solo button on a channel strip.


You can manually toggle the solo safe status of a channel strip by Control-clicking its solo button. There are times when you may find that a particular audio channel strip in a project reverts to solo safe mode when you load the project, even after you manually disable solo safe. Here is why that may happen and steps you can take to prevent it from occurring.

A Logic project contains a special audio channel strip used for pre-listening to audio in the Sample Edit window, Audio Bin, and Loop Browser. When you create a Logic project from one of the factory templates, this channel strip is assigned to "Audio 256". This channel strip stays in solo safe mode so that you can always preview audio. The image below shows the channel strip for a new, empty project.


If there is no audio channel strip in a project assigned to "Audio 256", Logic will use the highest-numbered available audio channel for pre-listening. When the project is loaded, that channel strip will be put into solo safe mode. You may find this happens in older projects that you open in Logic 8 or later, or in cases where you have deleted the "Audio 256" channel strip in a Logic 8 or later project. To prevent this from affecting channel strips you are using in a project's arrangement, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Window > Environment.
  3. From the Environment window menu, choose New > Channel Strip > Auxiliary. A channel strip will appear in the environment.
  5. Select the channel strip.  It will highlight.
  7. In the Device parameter box in the upper left of the Environment window, click the arrows to the right of "Channel" and choose Audio > Audio 256 from the menu.
  9. Select the text tool, click on the name below the channel strip and name it "Prelisten".


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Logic Studio: Empty IR created after deconvolution in Impulse Response Utility

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This may happen if you record a sweep, save, then close a project before deconvolving. When you reopen the project and press "Deconvolve", the recorded waveform disappears; if you create a Space Designer setting, the resulting IR file contains no audio.

To avoid this, always perform the deconvolution step in the same session you record the sweep.

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Logic Pro/Express : Startup modifier keys for troubleshooting

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By holding down modifier keys while you open the application, you can put Logic Pro or Logic Express into one of several troubleshooting modes. To do this, go to your Applications folder, double-click the Logic icon, then hold down the respective modifier key(s) from the table below until a dialog appears or Logic is fully loaded.


Modifier key(s)DescriptionPurpose
ControlStart without AudioThis can be helpful to rule out issues with a specific Core Audio driver. In some cases, Logic may stop responding or quit unexpectedly while initializing the Core Audio driver. In these cases, start Logic Pro or Logic Express without Audio. If needed, turn on Built-In Audio for the troubleshooting.
Shift-ControlAU-Safe ModeThis will only load Audio Units that have passed the Audio Units Validation Tool which is automatically launched on the very first startup of Logic. If you have enabled Audio Units that did not pass this test, you may experience unexpected quitting or misbehavior. With this option, you may revert Logic Pro or Logic Express to a stable state.
OptionStart without Autoload/Template/LastRecentThis will start Logic Pro or Logic Express without loading a Template, Autoload, or last-opened project. This can be useful for troubleshooting any kind of issue since it excludes the possibility that an issue is specific to or caused by the currently loaded project. Choosing File > New with the Option Key held down will load an empty default project for troubleshooting.

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Logic Pro/Express: Playback may unexpectedly stop in projects using DSP powered plug-ins

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Information about products not manufactured by Apple, or independent websites not controlled or tested by Apple, is provided without recommendation or endorsement. Apple assumes no responsibility with regard to the selection, performance, or use of third-party websites or products. Apple makes no representations regarding third-party website accuracy or reliability. Risks are inherent in the use of the Internet. Contact the vendor for additional information.

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GarageBand '09: Templates missing after Logic Studio or Logic Express 8 installation

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If Logic is already installed, reinstall iLife '09 to resolve this issue.

When installing Logic, selecting the option to include GarageBand '08 content as part of the Logic Studio or Logic Express 8 installation will overwrite GarageBand '09 content. When you install Logic, deselect the GarageBand content option in the installer.

If you purchased iLife '09 separately, reinstall it from the disc it came on.

If iLife '09 was pre-installed, follow these directions to reinstall it on your computer:


  1. Insert the "Applications Install DVD" that came with your computer.

  3. Double-click the Installed Bundled Software installer.

  5. Click Customize in the Install Bundled Applications window.

  7. Click the disclosure triangle to the left of Bundled Applications to reveal the choices.

  9. Deselect everything except GarageBand.

  11. Click the disclosure triangle to the left of GarageBand and include GarageBand Additional Instruments and Loops.

  13. Click Install.

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