Firmware related errors and resolutions involving HD Native hardware
Unexpected error occurred while transmitting a firmware image. Error found while verifying the write was done correctly. (DAE Error -1167): Occurs with firmware 1.0 (Mac and Windows support) while updating to Pro Tools version 9.0.4 (firmware 1.02, Mac only support) or Pro Tools 9.0.5 (firmware 1.03, Mac and Windows support)
Suggested Resolutions
* With a MacBook Pro: MacOS X 10.6.7 (10j3331a) works; MacOS X 10.6.7 (10j4139) does not work.
- If using Pro Tools 9, upgrade to Pro Tools 9.0.5 using a non-Thunderbolt MacBook Pro and OS 10.6.7* or lower.
- Alter HD Native card slot order arrangement
- Attempt the update numerous times in a row by re-launching Pro Tools.
- Contact Avid Audio Technical Support on the repair line: