Setting gluster volume ownership so they remain maxmin
The fix is to apply the maxmin user and group ownership to the gluster volumes on all nodes by using the "gluster volume set" command.
Important: Perform the following 5 steps on all of the cluster nodes without exceptions.
- Change the user and group ownership of the gluster volumes to maxmin:
gluster volume set gl-cache-dl storage.owner-uid `id -u maxmin`
gluster volume set gl-cache-fl storage.owner-uid `id -u maxmin`
gluster volume set gl-cache-dl storage.owner-gid `id -g maxmin`
gluster volume set gl-cache-fl storage.owner-gid `id -g maxmin`
Note: Do not alter the gluster_data_multicam directory because it must use the default root ownership.
- Verify the success of the ownership changes:
ls –al /cache/gluster
Should return:
drwxrwsrwx 23 maxmin maxmin 4096 Jan 12 09:51 gluster_data_download
drwxrwsrwx 25 maxmin maxmin 4096 Jan 12 09:51 gluster_data_fl_cache
drwxr-xr-x 23 root root 4096 Feb 5 08:33 gluster_data_multicam
Note: If there is still a gluster_data_metadata directory, proceed with the article Removing the gluster metadata cache replication volume article. MediaCentral will not work efficiently if you maintain the metadata gluster volume mounted and active, and it is mandatory to remove it.
- Restart the GlusterFS service:
service glusterd restart
- Verify the ownership changes are sticky:
ls –al /cache/gluster
Should return same as before:
drwxrwsrwx 23 maxmin maxmin 4096 Jan 12 09:51 gluster_data_download
drwxrwsrwx 25 maxmin maxmin 4096 Jan 12 09:51 gluster_data_fl_cache
drwxr-xr-x 23 root root 4096 Feb 5 08:33 gluster_data_multicam
- Propagate the changes to all files inside the various /cache directories:
chmod -R 02777 /cache/download
chmod -R 02777 /cache/fl_cache
chown -R maxmin:maxmin /cache/gluster/gluster_data_download
chown -R maxmin:maxmin /cache/gluster/gluster_data_fl_cache
Note: This is important for systems that have previously been running with gluster.
Now test mobile devices and multicam media playback to validate that everything is working properly.