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Vintage and obsolete products

Posted in Apple Portable Computers


Apple has discontinued support for certain technologically obsolete and vintage products.

Products Affected

Portable Computers, iPod, Peripherals, Desktop Computers

Vintage products are those that were discontinued more than five and less than seven years ago. Apple has discontinued hardware service for vintage products with the following exception:

  • Products purchased in the state of California, United States, as required by statute. Owners of these products may obtain service and parts from Apple service providers within the state of California, United States.

Obsolete products are those that were discontinued more than seven years ago. Apple has discontinued all hardware service for obsolete products with no exceptions. Service providers cannot order parts for obsolete products.

All retail Apple Stores and the Canadian, European, Latin American and Asia-Pacific operating regions follow the U.S. product list, but make no distinction between vintage and obsolete. When applied to the retail Apple Stores and these operating regions (all models) products on the U.S. Vintage list are considered obsolete.

Macintosh Products Vintage in the U.S. and Obsolete in Asia-Pacific/Canada/Europe/Japan/Latin America

Portable Computers Desktop Computers Peripherals

iBook G4
iBook G4 (14-inch)
iBook G4 (Early 2004)
iBook G4 (14-inch Early 2004)
iBook G4 (12-inch Late 2004)
iBook G4 (14-inch Late 2004)
PowerBook G4 (12-inch 1.33Ghz)
PowerBook G4 (15-inch Double-Layer SD)
PowerBook G4 (15-inch 1.5/1.33Ghz)
PowerBook G4 (17-inch 1.33Ghz)
PowerBook G4 (17-inch 1.5Ghz)
PowerBook G4 (12-inch DVI)
PowerBook G4 (15-inch 1.67/1.5Ghz)
PowerBook G4 (17-inch 1.67/1.5Ghz)
PowerBook G4 (15-inch FW800)

eMac (ATI Graphics)
eMac (USB 2.0)
iMac (17-inch Flat Panel, 1GHz)
iMac (USB 2.0)
iMac G5 (17-inch)
iMac G5 (20-inch)
iMac G5 (17-inch iSight)
iMac G5 (20-inch iSight)
iMac G5 ALS (17-inch)
iMac G5 ALS (20-inch)
Mac mini [original]
Mac mini (Late 2005)
Power Mac G4 (Mirrored Drive Door 2003)
Power Mac G5
Power Mac G5 (June 2004)
Power Mac G5 (Late 2004)
Power Mac G5 (Early 2005)
Xserve G5
Xserve RAID (SFP)
Apple Cinema Display (20-inch)
Apple Cinema Display (23-inch DVI)
Apple Cinema Display (30-inch DVI)
Apple Cinema HD Disp 23
Apple Studio Display (17 LCD)
Apple Studio Display 17
Cinema Display (20-inch DVI)
