OS X Lion provides a new version of FileVault: FileVault 2 uses full disk, XTS-AES 128 encryption to help keep your data secure. With FileVault 2 you can encrypt the content of your entire drive....
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This document describes the security content of Safari 5.1 and Safari 5.0.6. Safari 5.1 is included with OS X Lion.
For the protection of our customers, Apple does not disclose, discuss, or confirm security issues until a full investigation has occurred and any necessary patches or releases are available. To learn more about Apple Product...
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If you are using OS X Lion and iPhoto 8.0 through 9.1.3, follow the steps below to restore using Time Machine....
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This article covers updates to basic MobileMe setup in OS X Lion and explains the difference between the MobileMe Preferences Pane and the Mail, Contacts, & Calendars preferences pane....
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OS X Lion brings you a new way to interact with your Mac. Tap, scroll, pinch, and swipe your way through your Mac with Multi-Touch gestures, directly controlling what’s on your screen in a more fluid, natural, and intuitive way....
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With OS X Lion, you can migrate all of the information from your old Windows PC to your new Mac. Lion automatically transfers your contacts, calendars, and email accounts and puts them in the appropriate applications....
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OS X Lion includes a new feature called Lion Recovery that includes all of the tools you need to reinstall Lion, repair your disk, and even restore from a Time Machine backup without the need for optical discs....
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With Launchpad, you can easily remove apps purchased from the Mac App Store....
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Learn about Auto Save and Versions in OS X Lion....
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The versions of Final Cut Pro listed below are compatible with OS X Lion....
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