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iCloud: System requirements

Posted in Apple Mac OS

This article provides the recommended system requirements and minimum system requirements for iCloud.

Recommended system requirements

Meeting the recommended system requirements lets you take advantage of the latest iCloud features and gives you the best overall iCloud experience. iCloud also requires an active Internet connection via Wi-Fi or cellular data, and some features work only with a Wi-Fi connection. Consult the iCloud features table below for information about minimum requirements by feature.

iPhone, iPad, iPod touch

  • iOS 7.0.3
  • iWork for iOS (Pages 2.0, Numbers 2.0, Keynote 2.0)1


  • OS X Mavericks v10.9 
  • iTunes 11 or later
  • iPhoto ’11 version 9.5 or Aperture 3.5
  • Safari 6 or later, Firefox 22 or later, or Google Chrome 28 or later
  • iWork for Mac (Pages 5.0, Numbers 3.0, Keynote 6.0)1


  • Microsoft Windows 7 or Windows 8
  • iCloud Control Panel 3.0
  • iTunes 11 or later
  • Outlook 2007 or later2
  • Internet Explorer 9 or later, Firefox 22 or later, or Google Chrome 28 or later (desktop mode only)

Apple TV

  • Apple TV software version 5.3


Minimum system requirements by feature

To use iCloud, you must have at least iOS 5 on iPhone 3GS, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPad, or iPad mini; or OS X Lion v10.7.5 on a Mac computer.

Consult the following table for more information about the specific requirements of each iCloud feature.

iCloud feature Minimum requirements
iOS OS X Windows Apple TV
iTunes in the Cloud3 iOS 5 

iTunes 10.3.1 (for Music, Apps, Books)

iTunes 10.6 (for Movies)

iTunes 10.3.1 (for Music, Apps, Books)

iTunes 10.6 (for Movies)

Apple TV software 4.4
iTunes Match iOS 5.0.1 

iTunes 10.5.1

iTunes 10.5.1

Apple TV software 4.4
My Photo Stream iOS 5.1 

OS X v10.7.5

iPhoto ’11 (9.2.2)
or Aperture 3.2.3

Windows Vista (SP2)4, Windows 7, Windows 8

iCloud Control Panel 1.1

Apple TV software 5.0
Shared Photo Streams iOS 6

OS X v10.8.2

iPhoto ’11 (9.4) or Aperture 3.4

Windows Vista (SP2)4, Windows 7, Windows 8

iCloud Control Panel 2.1.2

Apple TV software 5.1
iCloud Photo Sharing iOS 7

OS X Mavericks v10.9

iPhoto '11 version 9.5 or Aperture 3.5

Windows 7 or Windows 8

iCloud Control Panel 3.0

Apple TV software 5.3

iOS 7.0.3

OS X Mavericks v10.9

Documents in the Cloud

iOS 5

iWork for iOS (Pages 1.5, Numbers 1.5, Keynote 1.5)

OS X v10.7.5

iWork ’09 (Pages 4.2, Numbers 2.2, Keynote 5.2)

iWork for iCloud beta

Safari 6.0.3

Google Chrome 27.0.1

Internet Explorer 9.0.8

Google Chrome 27.0.1

Safari 5

Firefox 21

Google Chrome 27 

Internet Explorer 9

Firefox 21

Google Chrome 27 

iCloud Tabs iOS 6

OS X v10.8.2

Safari 6

Calendar, Contacts, Mail iOS 5  OS X v10.7.5

Windows Vista (SP2)4, Windows 7, Windows 8

iCloud Control Panel 1.1

Outlook 20072 or an up-to-date web browser

Bookmarks iOS 5 

OS X v10.7.5

Safari 5.1.1

Windows 7 or Windows 8

iCloud Control Panel 3.0

Internet Explorer 9

Firefox 22

Google Chrome 28 (desktop mode only)

Backup and Restore iOS 5 
Find My iPhone

iOS 5 

iOS 6 (for Lost Mode)

iOS 7 (for Activation Lock)

OS X v10.7.5
(Lost Mode and Activation Lock aren't available on OS X)
Find My iPhone app

iOS 7

Find My Friends

iOS 5 

iOS 6 (for location-based alerts)

Reading List iOS 5 Safari 5.1 —  — 

Some features are not available in all countries. Access to some services is limited to 10 devices.

  1. iWork for iOS and iWork for Mac are available for purchase from the App Store.
  2. Outlook 2010 Personal Edition is not supported.
  3. iTunes in the Cloud availability for music, movies, and TV shows varies by country. Previous purchases may be unavailable if they are no longer in the iTunes Store, App Store, or iBooks Store. Not all previously purchased movies are available for downloading to your other devices.
  4. iCloud users running Windows Vista need to continue using iCloud Control Panel for Windows 2.1.2 or earlier.


Important: Information about products not manufactured by Apple is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute Apple’s recommendation or endorsement. Please contact the vendor for additional information.
Last Modified: Oct 22, 2013
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