OS X: Fonts included with Mavericks
OS X Mavericks includes a number of typefaces designed to help you view text and PDF files, web pages, terminal windows, and more – all in a variety of languages. Learn about which font files are included with OS X Mavericks.
The OS X Mavericks Installer places included fonts in the following locations:
- /Library/Fonts
- /System/Library/Fonts
Note For compatability with older documents, such as those created by previous versions of iWork, Mavericks may enable additional fonts not listed here.
About disabling or removing fonts
Disabling or removing specific fonts can be completed by using the application Font Book after OS X installation is completed. With the exception of System fonts (fonts used to draw menus, alerts and other items), you can enable or disable any user font using Font Book. This determines which fonts appear in an application's Font menu, or in the Fonts panel.
If you are considering disabling OS X fonts, note that some fonts that you can disable may be required by specific applications -
- Web content
- iWork and iLife
- Languages
- Other Apple applications
Important /System/Library/Fonts should never be disabled, because these items are used by OS X, and other integral applications.
Filename |
Font as shown by application | Version |
Al Nile.ttc | Al Nile | 9.0d5e1 |
Al Nile.ttc | Al Nile Bold | 9.0d5e1 |
Al Tarikh.ttc | Al Tarikh | 9.0d5e1 |
AlBayan.ttf | Al Bayan Plain | 9.0d1e1 |
AlBayanBold.ttf | Al Bayan Bold | 9.0d1e1 |
AmericanTypewriter.ttc | American Typewriter | 9.0d2e1 |
AmericanTypewriter.ttc | American Typewriter Light | 9.0d2e1 |
AmericanTypewriter.ttc | American Typewriter Bold | 9.0d2e1 |
AmericanTypewriter.ttc | American Typewriter Condensed | 9.0d2e1 |
AmericanTypewriter.ttc | American Typewriter Condensed Bold | 9.0d2e1 |
AmericanTypewriter.ttc | American Typewriter Condensed Light | 9.0d2e1 |
Andale Mono.ttf | Andale Mono | Version 2.00x |
Apple Chancery.ttf | Apple Chancery | 8.0d1e1 |
Apple LiGothic Medium.ttf | Apple LiGothic Medium | 6.1d3e1 |
Apple LiSung Light.ttf | Apple LiSung Light | 6.1d1e2 |
AppleGothic.ttf | AppleGothic Regular | 7.0d5e1 |
AppleMyungjo.ttf | AppleMyungjo Regular | 7.0d2e6 |
AppleSDGothicNeo-ExtraBold.otf | Apple SD GothicNeo ExtraBold | 9.0d1e2 |
AppleSDGothicNeo-Heavy.otf | Apple SD Gothic Neo Heavy | 9.0d1e2 |
AppleSDGothicNeo-Light.otf | Apple SD Gothic Neo Light | 9.0d1e2 |
AppleSDGothicNeo-Medium.otf | Apple SD Gothic Neo Medium | 9.0d1e2 |
AppleSDGothicNeo-SemiBold.otf | Apple SD Gothic Neo SemiBold | 9.0d1e2 |
AppleSDGothicNeo-Thin.otf | Apple SD Gothic Neo Thin | 9.0d1e2 |
AppleSDGothicNeo-UltraLight.otf | Apple SD Gothic Neo UltraLight | 9.0d1e2 |
Arial Black.ttf | Arial Black | Version 5.00.1x |
Arial Bold Italic.ttf | Arial Bold Italic | Version 5.00.2x |
Arial Bold.ttf | Arial Bold | Version 5.01.2x |
Arial Italic.ttf | Arial Italic | Version 5.00.2x |
Arial Narrow Bold Italic.ttf | Arial Narrow Bold Italic | Version 2.38.1x |
Arial Narrow Bold.ttf | Arial Narrow Bold | Version 2.38.1x |
Arial Narrow Italic.ttf | Arial Narrow Italic | Version 2.38.1x |
Arial Narrow.ttf | Arial Narrow | Version 2.38.1x |
Arial Rounded Bold.ttf | Arial Rounded MT Bold | Version 1.51x |
Arial Unicode.ttf | Arial Unicode MS | Version 1.01x |
Arial.ttf | Arial | Version 5.01.2x |
ArialHB.ttc | Arial Hebrew | 9.0d4e1 |
ArialHB.ttc | Arial Hebrew Light | 9.0d4e1 |
ArialHB.ttc | Arial Hebrew Bold | 9.0d4e1 |
Athelas.ttc | Athelas Regular | 8.0d7e3 |
Athelas.ttc | Athelas Italic | 8.0d7e3 |
Athelas.ttc | Athelas Bold Italic | 8.0d7e3 |
Athelas.ttc | Athelas Bold | 8.0d7e3 |
Ayuthaya.ttf | Ayuthaya | 10.9d1e1 |
Baghdad.ttf | Baghdad | 9.0d1e1 |
Bangla MN.ttc | Bangla MN | 8.0d1e1 |
Bangla MN.ttc | Bangla MN Bold | 8.0d1e1 |
Bangla Sangam MN.ttc | Bangla Sangam MN | 8.0d1e1 |
Bangla Sangam MN.ttc | Bangla Sangam MN Bold | 8.0d1e1 |
Baoli.ttc | Baoli SC Regular | 8.0d1e1 |
Baskerville.ttc | Baskerville Bold | 9.0d2e1 |
Baskerville.ttc | Baskerville Bold Italic | 9.0d2e1 |
Baskerville.ttc | Baskerville Italic | 9.0d2e1 |
Baskerville.ttc | Baskerville | 9.0d2e1 |
Baskerville.ttc | Baskerville SemiBold | 9.0d2e1 |
Baskerville.ttc | Baskerville SemiBold Italic | 9.0d2e1 |
Beirut.ttc | Beirut | 9.0d4e2 |
BiauKai.ttf | BiauKai | 6.1d3e1 |
BigCaslon.ttf | Big Caslon Medium | 6.1d4e1 |
Brush Script.ttf | Brush Script MT Italic | Version 1.52x-1 |
Chalkboard.ttc | Chalkboard | 8.1d1e1 |
Chalkboard.ttc | Chalkboard Bold | 8.1d1e1 |
ChalkboardSE.ttc | Chalkboard SE Light | 8.1d1e1 |
ChalkboardSE.ttc | Chalkboard SE Regular | 8.1d1e1 |
ChalkboardSE.ttc | Chalkboard SE Bold | 8.1d1e1 |
Chalkduster.ttf | Chalkduster | 7.0d6e1 |
CharcoalCY.dfont | Charcoal CY | 6.1d5e1 |
Charter.ttc | Charter Roman | 9.0d2e1 |
Charter.ttc | Charter Italic | 9.0d2e1 |
Charter.ttc | Charter Bold Italic | 9.0d2e1 |
Charter.ttc | Charter Bold | 9.0d2e1 |
Charter.ttc | Charter Black Italic | 9.0d2e1 |
Charter.ttc | Charter Black | 9.0d2e1 |
Cochin.ttc | Cochin | 8.0d2e1 |
Cochin.ttc | Cochin Bold | 8.0d2e1 |
Cochin.ttc | Cochin Italic | 8.0d2e1 |
Cochin.ttc | Cochin Bold Italic | 8.0d2e1 |
Comic Sans MS Bold.ttf | Comic Sans MS Bold | Version 5.00x |
Comic Sans MS.ttf | Comic Sans MS | Version 5.00x |
Copperplate.ttc | Copperplate | 9.0d3e1 |
Copperplate.ttc | Copperplate Light | 9.0d3e1 |
Copperplate.ttc | Copperplate Bold | 9.0d3e1 |
Corsiva.ttc | Corsiva Hebrew | 9.0d2e1 |
Corsiva.ttc | Corsiva Hebrew Bold | 9.0d2e1 |
Courier New Bold Italic.ttf | Courier New Bold Italic | Version 5.00x |
Courier New Bold.ttf | Courier New Bold | Version 5.00.2x |
Courier New Italic.ttf | Courier New Italic | Version 5.00.1x |
Courier New.ttf | Courier New | Version 5.00.2x |
Damascus.ttc | Damascus | 9.0d5e1 |
Damascus.ttc | Damascus Semi Bold | 9.0d5e1 |
Damascus.ttc | Damascus Medium | 9.0d5e1 |
Damascus.ttc | Damascus Bold | 9.0d5e1 |
DecoTypeNaskh.ttf | DecoType Naskh | 9.0d1e1 |
Devanagari Sangam MN.ttc | Devanagari Sangam MN | 9.0d1e1 |
Devanagari Sangam MN.ttc | Devanagari Sangam MN Bold | 9.0d1e1 |
DevanagariMT.ttf | Devanagari MT | 6.0d4e1 |
DevanagariMTBold.ttf | Devanagari MT Bold | 6.0d4e1 |
Didot.ttc | Didot | 9.0d1e1 |
Didot.ttc | Didot Italic | 9.0d1e1 |
Didot.ttc | Didot Bold | 9.0d1e1 |
DIN Alternate Bold.ttf | DIN Alternate Bold | 9.0d3e1 |
DIN Condensed Bold.ttf | DIN Condensed Bold | 9.0d1e1 |
Diwan Kufi.ttc | Diwan Kufi | 9.0d5e1 |
Diwan Thuluth.ttc | Diwan Thuluth | 9.0d4e1 |
EuphemiaCAS.ttc | Euphemia UCAS | 6.1d4e1 |
EuphemiaCAS.ttc | Euphemia UCAS Bold | 6.1d4e1 |
EuphemiaCAS.ttc | Euphemia UCAS Italic | 6.1d4e1 |
Farah.ttc | Farah | 9.0d5e1 |
Farisi.ttc | Farisi | 9.0d3e1 |
Futura.ttc | Futura Medium | 6.2d2e1 |
Futura.ttc | Futura Medium Italic | 6.2d2e1 |
Futura.ttc | Futura Condensed Medium | 6.2d2e1 |
Futura.ttc | Futura Condensed ExtraBold | 6.2d2e1 |
GenevaCY.dfont | Geneva CY | 6.1d5e1 |
Georgia Bold Italic.ttf | Georgia Bold Italic | Version 5.00x-4 |
Georgia Bold.ttf | Georgia Bold | Version 5.00x-4 |
Georgia Italic.ttf | Georgia Italic | Version 5.00x-4 |
Georgia.ttf | Georgia | Version 5.00x-4 |
GillSans.ttc | Gill Sans | 9.0d5e1 |
GillSans.ttc | Gill Sans UltraBold | 9.0d5e1 |
GillSans.ttc | Gill Sans SemiBold Italic | 9.0d5e1 |
GillSans.ttc | Gill Sans SemiBold | 9.0d5e1 |
GillSans.ttc | Gill Sans Light Italic | 9.0d5e1 |
GillSans.ttc | Gill Sans Light | 9.0d5e1 |
GillSans.ttc | Gill Sans Italic | 9.0d5e1 |
GillSans.ttc | Gill Sans Bold Italic | 9.0d5e1 |
GillSans.ttc | Gill Sans Bold | 9.0d5e1 |
Gujarati Sangam MN.ttc | Gujarati Sangam MN | 7.0d3e1 |
Gujarati Sangam MN.ttc | Gujarati Sangam MN Bold | 7.0d3e1 |
GujaratiMT.ttf | Gujarati MT | 6.0d2e1 |
GujaratiMTBold.ttf | Gujarati MT Bold | 6.0d2e1 |
Gungseouche.ttf | GungSeo Regular | 7.0d2e1 |
Gurmukhi MN.ttc | Gurmukhi MN | 7.0d3e1 |
Gurmukhi MN.ttc | Gurmukhi MN Bold | 7.0d3e1 |
Gurmukhi Sangam MN.ttc | Gurmukhi Sangam MN | 7.0d3e1 |
Gurmukhi Sangam MN.ttc | Gurmukhi Sangam MN Bold | 7.0d3e1 |
Gurmukhi.ttf | Gurmukhi MT | 6.0d2e1 |
Hannotate.ttc | Hannotate SC Regular | 9.0d6 |
Hannotate.ttc | Hannotate TC Regular | 9.0d6 |
Hannotate.ttc | Hannotate SC Bold | 9.0d6 |
Hannotate.ttc | Hannotate TC Bold | 9.0d6 |
Hanzipen.ttc | HanziPen SC Regular | 9.0d6 |
Hanzipen.ttc | HanziPen TC Regular | 9.0d6 |
Hanzipen.ttc | HanziPen SC Bold | 9.0d6 |
Hanzipen.ttc | HanziPen TC Bold | 9.0d6 |
HeadlineA.ttf | HeadLineA Regular | 6.1d5e1 |
Hei.ttf | Hei Regular | 6.1d3e1 |
HelveticaCY.dfont | Helvetica CY Plain | 6.1d5e1 |
HelveticaCY.dfont | Helvetica CY Bold | 6.1d5e1 |
HelveticaCY.dfont | Helvetica CY Oblique | 6.1d5e1 |
HelveticaCY.dfont | Helvetica CY BoldOblique | 6.1d5e1 |
Herculanum.ttf | Herculanum | 6.1d4e1 |
Hiragino Sans GB W3.otf | Hiragino Sans GB W3 | Version 3.20 |
Hiragino Sans GB W6.otf | Hiragino Sans GB W6 | Version 3.20 |
Hoefler Text Ornaments.ttf | Hoefler Text Ornaments | 8.0d2e1 |
Hoefler Text.ttc | Hoefler Text | 8.0d2e1 |
Hoefler Text.ttc | Hoefler Text Black | 8.0d2e1 |
Hoefler Text.ttc | Hoefler Text Italic | 8.0d2e1 |
Hoefler Text.ttc | Hoefler Text Black Italic | 8.0d2e1 |
Impact.ttf | Impact | Version 5.00x |
InaiMathi.ttf | InaiMathi | 7.0d1e1 |
Iowan Old Style.ttc | Iowan Old Style Black | 9.0d2e1 |
Iowan Old Style.ttc | Iowan Old Style Black Italic | 9.0d2e1 |
Iowan Old Style.ttc | Iowan Old Style Bold | 9.0d2e1 |
Iowan Old Style.ttc | Iowan Old Style Bold Italic | 9.0d2e1 |
Iowan Old Style.ttc | Iowan Old Style Italic | 9.0d2e1 |
Iowan Old Style.ttc | Iowan Old Style Roman | 9.0d2e1 |
Iowan Old Style.ttc | Iowan Old Style Titling | 9.0d2e1 |
Kai.ttf | Kai Regular | 6.1d1e1 |
Kailasa.ttf | Kailasa Regular | 7.0d2e4 |
Kaiti.ttc | Kaiti SC Black | 9.0d11 |
Kaiti.ttc | Kaiti SC Bold | 9.0d11 |
Kaiti.ttc | Kaiti TC Bold | 9.0d11 |
Kaiti.ttc | Kaiti SC Regular | 9.0d11 |
Kaiti.ttc | STKaiti | 9.0d11 |
Kaiti.ttc | Kaiti TC Regular | 9.0d11 |
Kannada MN.ttc | Kannada MN | 7.0d4e2 |
Kannada MN.ttc | Kannada MN Bold | 7.0d4e2 |
Kannada Sangam MN.ttc | Kannada Sangam MN | 7.0d4e2 |
Kannada Sangam MN.ttc | Kannada Sangam MN Bold | 7.0d4e2 |
Kefa.ttc | Kefa Regular | 8.1d1e1 |
Kefa.ttc | Kefa Bold | 8.1d1e1 |
Khmer MN.ttc | Khmer MN | 7.0d2e1 |
Khmer MN.ttc | Khmer MN Bold | 7.0d2e1 |
Khmer Sangam MN.ttf | Khmer Sangam MN | 8.0d1e1 |
Kokonor.ttf | Kokonor Regular | 7.0d1e2 |
Krungthep.ttf | Krungthep | 10.9d1e1 |
KufiStandardGK.ttf | KufiStandardGK | 9.0d1e1 |
Lantinghei.ttc | Lantinghei SC Demibold | 1.0d1e1 |
Lantinghei.ttc | Lantinghei SC Extralight | 1.0d1e1 |
Lantinghei.ttc | Lantinghei SC Heavy | 1.0d1e1 |
Lantinghei.ttc | Lantinghei TC Demibold | 1.0d1e1 |
Lantinghei.ttc | Lantinghei TC Extralight | 1.0d1e1 |
Lantinghei.ttc | Lantinghei TC Heavy | 1.0d1e1 |
Lao MN.ttc | Lao MN | 7.0d2e1 |
Lao MN.ttc | Lao MN Bold | 7.0d2e1 |
Lao Sangam MN.ttf | Lao Sangam MN | 7.0d2e1 |
Libian.ttc | Libian SC Regular | 8.0d1e1 |
Malayalam MN.ttc | Malayalam MN | 7.0d4e1 |
Malayalam MN.ttc | Malayalam MN Bold | 7.0d4e1 |
Malayalam Sangam MN.ttc | Malayalam Sangam MN | 7.0d4e1 |
Malayalam Sangam MN.ttc | Malayalam Sangam MN Bold | 7.0d4e1 |
Marion.ttc | Marion Regular | 8.0d4e4 |
Marion.ttc | Marion Italic | 8.0d4e4 |
Marion.ttc | Marion Bold | 8.0d4e4 |
Microsoft Sans Serif.ttf | Microsoft Sans Serif | Version 5.00.1x |
Mishafi.ttc | Diwan Mishafi | 9.0d3e1 |
MshtakanBold.ttf | Mshtakan Bold | 6.0d2e1 |
MshtakanBoldOblique.ttf | Mshtakan BoldOblique | 6.0d2e1 |
MshtakanOblique.ttf | Mshtakan Oblique | 6.0d2e1 |
MshtakanRegular.ttf | Mshtakan | 6.0d2e1 |
Muna.ttc | Muna | 9.0d5e1 |
Muna.ttc | Muna Bold | 9.0d5e1 |
Muna.ttc | Muna Black | 9.0d5e1 |
Myanmar MN.ttc | Myanmar MN | 7.0d3e1 |
Myanmar MN.ttc | Myanmar MN Bold | 7.0d3e1 |
Myanmar Sangam MN.ttf | Myanmar Sangam MN | 7.0d2e1 |
Nadeem.ttf | Nadeem | 9.0d2e1 |
NanumGothic.ttc | NanumGothic | 8.0d1e2 |
NanumGothic.ttc | NanumGothic Bold | 8.0d1e2 |
NanumGothic.ttc | NanumGothic ExtraBold | 8.0d1e2 |
NanumMyeongjo.ttc | NanumMyeongjo | 8.0d1e2 |
NanumMyeongjo.ttc | NanumMyeongjo Bold | 8.0d1e2 |
NanumMyeongjo.ttc | NanumMyeongjo ExtraBold | 8.0d1e2 |
NanumScript.ttc | Nanum Brush Script | 8.0d1e2 |
NanumScript.ttc | Nanum Pen Script | 8.0d1e2 |
NewPeninimMT.ttc | New Peninim MT | 9.0d1e1 |
NewPeninimMT.ttc | New Peninim MT Inclined | 9.0d1e1 |
NewPeninimMT.ttc | New Peninim MT Bold Inclined | 9.0d1e1 |
NewPeninimMT.ttc | New Peninim MT Bold | 9.0d1e1 |
NISC18030.ttf | GB18030 Bitmap | 6.0d2e1 |
Oriya MN.ttc | Oriya MN | 7.0d5e1 |
Oriya MN.ttc | Oriya MN Bold | 7.0d5e1 |
Oriya Sangam MN.ttc | Oriya Sangam MN | 7.0d5e1 |
Oriya Sangam MN.ttc | Oriya Sangam MN Bold | 7.0d5e1 |
Osaka.ttf | Osaka | 6.1d3e1 |
OsakaMono.ttf | Osaka-Mono | 6.1d3e1 |
Papyrus.ttc | Papyrus | 6.1d10e2 |
Papyrus.ttc | Papyrus Condensed | 6.1d10e2 |
PCmyoungjo.ttf | PCMyungjo Regular | 7.0d1e3 |
Pilgiche.ttf | PilGi Regular | 6.1d5e1 |
PlantagenetCherokee.ttf | Plantagenet Cherokee | 7.0d1e1 |
PTMono.ttc | PT Mono Bold | 9.0d1e1 |
PTMono.ttc | PT Mono | 9.0d1e1 |
PTSans.ttc | PT Sans | 9.0d1e1 |
PTSans.ttc | PT Sans Italic | 9.0d1e1 |
PTSans.ttc | PT Sans Narrow Bold | 9.0d1e1 |
PTSans.ttc | PT Sans Narrow | 9.0d1e1 |
PTSans.ttc | PT Sans Caption Bold | 9.0d1e1 |
PTSans.ttc | PT Sans Caption | 9.0d1e1 |
PTSans.ttc | PT Sans Bold Italic | 9.0d1e1 |
PTSans.ttc | PT Sans Bold | 9.0d1e1 |
PTSerif.ttc | PT Serif | 9.0d1e1 |
PTSerif.ttc | PT Serif Italic | 9.0d1e1 |
PTSerif.ttc | PT Serif Bold Italic | 9.0d1e1 |
PTSerif.ttc | PT Serif Bold | 9.0d1e1 |
PTSerifCaption.ttc | PT Serif Caption | 9.0d1e1 |
PTSerifCaption.ttc | PT Serif Caption Italic | 9.0d1e1 |
Raanana.ttc | Raanana | 9.0d2e1 |
Raanana.ttc | Raanana Bold | 9.0d2e1 |
Sana.ttc | Sana | 9.0d5e1 |
Sathu.ttf | Sathu | 10.9d1e1 |
Savoye LET.ttc | Savoye LET Plain:1.0 | 9.0d1e1 |
Savoye LET.ttc | Savoye LET Plain CC.:1.0 | 9.0d1e1 |
Seravek.ttc | Seravek | 9.0d1e1 |
Seravek.ttc | Seravek Italic | 9.0d1e1 |
Seravek.ttc | Seravek Medium Italic | 9.0d1e1 |
Seravek.ttc | Seravek Medium | 9.0d1e1 |
Seravek.ttc | Seravek Light Italic | 9.0d1e1 |
Seravek.ttc | Seravek Light | 9.0d1e1 |
Seravek.ttc | Seravek ExtraLight Italic | 9.0d1e1 |
Seravek.ttc | Seravek ExtraLight | 9.0d1e1 |
Seravek.ttc | Seravek Bold Italic | 9.0d1e1 |
Seravek.ttc | Seravek Bold | 9.0d1e1 |
Silom.ttf | Silom | 10.9d1e1 |
Sinhala MN.ttc | Sinhala MN | 7.0d7e2 |
Sinhala MN.ttc | Sinhala MN Bold | 7.0d7e2 |
Sinhala Sangam MN.ttc | Sinhala Sangam MN | 7.0d7e2 |
Sinhala Sangam MN.ttc | Sinhala Sangam MN Bold | 7.0d7e2 |
Skia.ttf | Skia Regular | 8.0d1e1 |
SnellRoundhand.ttc | Snell Roundhand | 9.0d3e1 |
SnellRoundhand.ttc | Snell Roundhand Bold | 9.0d3e1 |
SnellRoundhand.ttc | Snell Roundhand Black | 9.0d3e1 |
Songti.ttc | Songti SC Black | 9.0d12 |
Songti.ttc | Songti SC Bold | 9.0d12 |
Songti.ttc | Songti TC Bold | 9.0d12 |
Songti.ttc | Songti SC Light | 9.0d12 |
Songti.ttc | STSong | 9.0d12 |
Songti.ttc | Songti TC Light | 9.0d12 |
Songti.ttc | Songti SC Regular | 9.0d12 |
Songti.ttc | Songti TC Regular | 9.0d12 |
STIXGeneral.otf | STIXGeneral-Regular | Version 1.1.0 |
STIXGeneralBol.otf | STIXGeneral-Bold | Version 1.1.0 |
STIXGeneralBolIta.otf | STIXGeneral-BoldItalic | Version 1.1.0 |
STIXGeneralItalic.otf | STIXGeneral-Italic | Version 1.1.0 |
STIXIntDBol.otf | STIXIntegralsD-Bold | Version 1.1.0 |
STIXIntDReg.otf | STIXIntegralsD-Regular | Version 1.1.0 |
STIXIntSmBol.otf | STIXIntegralsSm-Bold | Version 1.1.0 |
STIXIntSmReg.otf | STIXIntegralsSm-Regular | Version 1.1.0 |
STIXIntUpBol.otf | STIXIntegralsUp-Bold | Version 1.1.0 |
STIXIntUpDBol.otf | STIXIntegralsUpD-Bold | Version 1.1.0 |
STIXIntUpDReg.otf | STIXIntegralsUpD-Regular | Version 1.1.0 |
STIXIntUpReg.otf | STIXIntegralsUp-Regular | Version 1.1.0 |
STIXIntUpSmBol.otf | STIXIntegralsUpSm-Bold | Version 1.1.0 |
STIXIntUpSmReg.otf | STIXIntegralsUpSm-Regular | Version 1.1.0 |
STIXNonUni.otf | STIXNonUnicode-Regular | Version 1.1.0 |
STIXNonUniBol.otf | STIXNonUnicode-Bold | Version 1.1.0 |
STIXNonUniBolIta.otf | STIXNonUnicode-BoldItalic | Version 1.1.0 |
STIXNonUniIta.otf | STIXNonUnicode-Italic | Version 1.1.0 |
STIXSizFiveSymReg.otf | STIXSizeFiveSym-Regular | Version 1.1.0 |
STIXSizFourSymBol.otf | STIXSizeFourSym-Bold | Version 1.1.0 |
STIXSizFourSymReg.otf | STIXSizeFourSym-Regular | Version 1.1.0 |
STIXSizOneSymBol.otf | STIXSizeOneSym-Bold | Version 1.1.0 |
STIXSizOneSymReg.otf | STIXSizeOneSym-Regular | Version 1.1.0 |
STIXSizThreeSymBol.otf | STIXSizeThreeSym-Bold | Version 1.1.0 |
STIXSizThreeSymReg.otf | STIXSizeThreeSym-Regular | Version 1.1.0 |
STIXSizTwoSymBol.otf | STIXSizeTwoSym-Bold | Version 1.1.0 |
STIXSizTwoSymReg.otf | STIXSizeTwoSym-Regular | Version 1.1.0 |
STIXVar.otf | STIXVariants-Regular | Version 1.1.0 |
STIXVarBol.otf | STIXVariants-Bold | Version 1.1.0 |
SuperClarendon.ttc | Superclarendon Regular | 9.0d4e1 |
SuperClarendon.ttc | Superclarendon Italic | 9.0d4e1 |
SuperClarendon.ttc | Superclarendon Light Italic | 9.0d4e1 |
SuperClarendon.ttc | Superclarendon Light | 9.0d4e1 |
SuperClarendon.ttc | Superclarendon Bold Italic | 9.0d4e1 |
SuperClarendon.ttc | Superclarendon Bold | 9.0d4e1 |
SuperClarendon.ttc | Superclarendon Black Italic | 9.0d4e1 |
SuperClarendon.ttc | Superclarendon Black | 9.0d4e1 |
Tahoma Bold.ttf | Tahoma Negreta | Version 5.01.1x |
Tahoma.ttf | Tahoma | Version 5.01.2x |
Tamil MN.ttc | Tamil MN | 7.0d3e1 |
Tamil MN.ttc | Tamil MN Bold | 7.0d3e1 |
Tamil Sangam MN.ttc | Tamil Sangam MN | 7.0d3e1 |
Tamil Sangam MN.ttc | Tamil Sangam MN Bold | 7.0d3e1 |
Telugu MN.ttc | Telugu MN | 7.0d5e2 |
Telugu MN.ttc | Telugu MN Bold | 7.0d5e2 |
Telugu Sangam MN.ttc | Telugu Sangam MN | 7.0d5e2 |
Telugu Sangam MN.ttc | Telugu Sangam MN Bold | 7.0d5e2 |
Times New Roman Bold Italic.ttf | Times New Roman Bold Italic | Version 5.00.3x |
Times New Roman Bold.ttf | Times New Roman Bold | Version 5.01.3x |
Times New Roman Italic.ttf | Times New Roman Italic | Version 5.00.3x |
Times New Roman.ttf | Times New Roman | Version 5.01.3x |
Trebuchet MS Bold Italic.ttf | Trebuchet MS Bold Italic | Version 5.00x |
Trebuchet MS Bold.ttf | Trebuchet MS Bold | Version 5.00x |
Trebuchet MS Italic.ttf | Trebuchet MS Italic | Version 5.00x |
Trebuchet MS.ttf | Trebuchet MS | Version 5.00x |
Verdana Bold Italic.ttf | Verdana Bold Italic | Version 5.01x |
Verdana Bold.ttf | Verdana Bold | Version 5.01x |
Verdana Italic.ttf | Verdana Italic | Version 5.01x |
Verdana.ttf | Verdana | Version 5.01x |
Waseem.ttc | Waseem | 9.0d3e1 |
Waseem.ttc | Waseem Light | 9.0d3e1 |
WawaSC-Regular.otf | Wawati SC Regular | 8.0d1e1 |
WawaTC-Regular.otf | Wawati TC Regular | 8.0d1e1 |
Webdings.ttf | Webdings | Version 5.00x |
WeibeiSC-Bold.otf | Weibei SC Bold | 9.0d1e1 |
WeibeiTC-Bold.otf | Weibei TC Bold | 9.0d1e1 |
Wingdings 2.ttf | Wingdings 2 | Version 1.55x |
Wingdings 3.ttf | Wingdings 3 | Version 1.55x |
Wingdings.ttf | Wingdings | Version 5.00x |
Xingkai.ttc | Xingkai SC Bold | 8.0d1e1 |
Xingkai.ttc | Xingkai SC Light | 8.0d1e1 |
Yu Gothic Bold.otf | YuGothic Bold | 8.0d1e1 |
Yu Gothic Medium.otf | YuGothic Medium | 8.0d1e1 |
Yu Mincho Demibold.otf | YuMincho Demibold | Version 1.000;PS 1;hotconv 1.0.57;makeotf.lib2.0.21895 |
Yu Mincho Medium.otf | YuMincho Medium | Version 1.000;PS 1;hotconv 1.0.57;makeotf.lib2.0.21895 |
Yuanti.ttc | Yuanti SC Bold | 9.0d1 |
Yuanti.ttc | Yuanti SC Light | 9.0d1 |
Yuanti.ttc | Yuanti SC Regular | 9.0d1 |
YuppySC-Regular.otf | Yuppy SC Regular | 1.0d1e2 |
YuppyTC-Regular.otf | Yuppy TC Regular | 8.0d1e1 |
Zapfino.ttf | Zapfino | 8.0d2e1 |
ヒラギノ丸ゴ Pro W4.otf | Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro W4 | 7.11 |
ヒラギノ丸ゴ ProN W4.otf | Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN W4 | Version 8.10 |
ヒラギノ明朝 Pro W3.otf | Hiragino Mincho Pro W3 | 7.11 |
ヒラギノ明朝 Pro W6.otf | Hiragino Mincho Pro W6 | 7.11 |
ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W3.otf | Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro W3 | 7.11 |
ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W6.otf | Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro W6 | 7.11 |
ヒラギノ角ゴ Std W8.otf | Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std W8 | 7.1 |
ヒラギノ角ゴ StdN W8.otf | Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN W8 | Version 8.10 |
儷宋 Pro.ttf | LiSong Pro | 6.0d4e1 |
儷黑 Pro.ttf | LiHei Pro | 6.0d4e1 |
华文仿宋.ttf | STFangsong | 8.0d5e1 |
华文细黑.ttf | STXihei | 6.1d4e1 |
华文黑体.ttf | STHeiti | 6.1d2e1 |
Filename | Font as shown by application | Version |
Apple Braille Outline 6 Dot.ttf | Apple Braille Outline 6 Dot | 1.0d5e1 |
Apple Braille Outline 8 Dot.ttf | Apple Braille Outline 8 Dot | 1.0d5e1 |
Apple Braille Pinpoint 6 Dot.ttf | Apple Braille Pinpoint 6 Dot | 1.0d5e1 |
Apple Braille Pinpoint 8 Dot.ttf | Apple Braille Pinpoint 8 Dot | 1.0d5e1 |
Apple Braille.ttf | Apple Braille | 1.0d5e1 |
Apple Color Emoji.ttf | Apple Color Emoji | 8.0d7e1 |
Apple Symbols.ttf | Apple Symbols | 9.0d1e1 |
AppleSDGothicNeo-Bold.otf | Apple SD Gothic Neo Bold | 9.0d1e2 |
AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular.otf | Apple SD Gothic Neo Regular | 9.0d1e2 |
AquaKana.ttc | .Aqua Kana | 7.1d1e1 |
AquaKana.ttc | .Aqua Kana Bold | 7.1d1e1 |
Avenir Next Condensed.ttc | Avenir Next Condensed Bold | 8.0d5e5 |
Avenir Next Condensed.ttc | Avenir Next Condensed Bold Italic | 8.0d5e5 |
Avenir Next Condensed.ttc | Avenir Next Condensed Demi Bold | 8.0d5e5 |
Avenir Next Condensed.ttc | Avenir Next Condensed Demi Bold Italic | 8.0d5e5 |
Avenir Next Condensed.ttc | Avenir Next Condensed Italic | 8.0d5e5 |
Avenir Next Condensed.ttc | Avenir Next Condensed Medium | 8.0d5e5 |
Avenir Next Condensed.ttc | Avenir Next Condensed Medium Italic | 8.0d5e5 |
Avenir Next Condensed.ttc | Avenir Next Condensed Regular | 8.0d5e5 |
Avenir Next Condensed.ttc | Avenir Next Condensed Heavy | 8.0d5e5 |
Avenir Next Condensed.ttc | Avenir Next Condensed Heavy Italic | 8.0d5e5 |
Avenir Next Condensed.ttc | Avenir Next Condensed Ultra Light | 8.0d5e5 |
Avenir Next Condensed.ttc | Avenir Next Condensed Ultra Light Italic | 8.0d5e5 |
Avenir Next.ttc | Avenir Next Bold | 8.0d5e5 |
Avenir Next.ttc | Avenir Next Bold Italic | 8.0d5e5 |
Avenir Next.ttc | Avenir Next Demi Bold | 8.0d5e5 |
Avenir Next.ttc | Avenir Next Demi Bold Italic | 8.0d5e5 |
Avenir Next.ttc | Avenir Next Italic | 8.0d5e5 |
Avenir Next.ttc | Avenir Next Medium | 8.0d5e5 |
Avenir Next.ttc | Avenir Next Medium Italic | 8.0d5e5 |
Avenir Next.ttc | Avenir Next Regular | 8.0d5e5 |
Avenir Next.ttc | Avenir Next Heavy | 8.0d5e5 |
Avenir Next.ttc | Avenir Next Heavy Italic | 8.0d5e5 |
Avenir Next.ttc | Avenir Next Ultra Light | 8.0d5e5 |
Avenir Next.ttc | Avenir Next Ultra Light Italic | 8.0d5e5 |
Avenir.ttc | Avenir Book | 8.0d5e3 |
Avenir.ttc | Avenir Book Oblique | 8.0d5e3 |
Avenir.ttc | Avenir Black | 8.0d5e3 |
Avenir.ttc | Avenir Black Oblique | 8.0d5e3 |
Avenir.ttc | Avenir Heavy | 8.0d5e3 |
Avenir.ttc | Avenir Heavy Oblique | 8.0d5e3 |
Avenir.ttc | Avenir Light | 8.0d5e3 |
Avenir.ttc | Avenir Light Oblique | 8.0d5e3 |
Avenir.ttc | Avenir Medium | 8.0d5e3 |
Avenir.ttc | Avenir Medium Oblique | 8.0d5e3 |
Avenir.ttc | Avenir Oblique | 8.0d5e3 |
Avenir.ttc | Avenir Roman | 8.0d5e3 |
Courier.dfont | Courier | 7.0d2e1 |
Courier.dfont | Courier Bold | 7.0d2e1 |
Courier.dfont | Courier Oblique | 7.0d2e1 |
Courier.dfont | Courier Bold Oblique | 7.0d2e1 |
Geeza Pro Bold.ttf | Geeza Pro Bold | 10.9d2e1 |
Geeza Pro.ttf | Geeza Pro | 10.9d2e1 |
Geneva.dfont | Geneva | 9.0d1e2 |
HelveLTMM | .Helvetica LT MM | 1.006 |
Helvetica LT MM | .Helvetica LT MM | 1.006 |
Helvetica.dfont | Helvetica | 9.0d3e2 |
Helvetica.dfont | Helvetica Bold | 9.0d3e2 |
Helvetica.dfont | Helvetica Oblique | 9.0d3e2 |
Helvetica.dfont | Helvetica Bold Oblique | 9.0d3e2 |
Helvetica.dfont | Helvetica Light | 9.0d3e2 |
Helvetica.dfont | Helvetica Light Oblique | 9.0d3e2 |
HelveticaNeue.dfont | Helvetica Neue | 9.0d57e1 |
HelveticaNeue.dfont | Helvetica Neue Bold | 9.0d57e1 |
HelveticaNeue.dfont | Helvetica Neue Italic | 9.0d57e1 |
HelveticaNeue.dfont | Helvetica Neue Bold Italic | 9.0d57e1 |
HelveticaNeue.dfont | Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold | 9.0d57e1 |
HelveticaNeue.dfont | Helvetica Neue UltraLight | 9.0d57e1 |
HelveticaNeue.dfont | Helvetica Neue UltraLight Italic | 9.0d57e1 |
HelveticaNeue.dfont | Helvetica Neue Light | 9.0d57e1 |
HelveticaNeue.dfont | Helvetica Neue Light Italic | 9.0d57e1 |
HelveticaNeue.dfont | Helvetica Neue Condensed Black | 9.0d57e1 |
HelveticaNeue.dfont | Helvetica Neue Medium | 9.0d57e1 |
HelveticaNeue.dfont | Helvetica Neue Medium Italic | 9.0d57e1 |
HelveticaNeue.dfont | Helvetica Neue Thin | 9.0d57e1 |
HelveticaNeue.dfont | Helvetica Neue Thin Italic | 9.0d57e1 |
HelveticaNeueDeskUI.ttc | .Helvetica Neue Desk UI | 9.0d55e1 |
HelveticaNeueDeskUI.ttc | .Helvetica Neue Desk UI Italic | 9.0d55e1 |
HelveticaNeueDeskUI.ttc | .Helvetica Neue Desk UI Bold | 9.0d55e1 |
HelveticaNeueDeskUI.ttc | .Helvetica Neue Desk UI Bold Italic | 9.0d55e1 |
Keyboard.ttf | .Keyboard | 9.0d6e1 |
LastResort.ttf | LastResort | 6.2d1e1 (Unicode version 6.2.0) |
LucidaGrande.ttc | Lucida Grande | 9.0d11e0 |
LucidaGrande.ttc | Lucida Grande Bold | 9.0d11e0 |
LucidaGrande.ttc | System Font Regular | 9.0d11e0 |
LucidaGrande.ttc | System Font Bold | 9.0d11e0 |
MarkerFelt.ttc | Marker Felt Thin | 9.0d1e1 |
MarkerFelt.ttc | Marker Felt Wide | 9.0d1e1 |
Menlo.ttc | Menlo Regular | 8.0d1e1 |
Menlo.ttc | Menlo Bold | 8.0d1e1 |
Menlo.ttc | Menlo Italic | 8.0d1e1 |
Menlo.ttc | Menlo Bold Italic | 8.0d1e1 |
Monaco.dfont | Monaco | 7.0d1e1 |
Noteworthy.ttc | Noteworthy Light | 9.0d1e1 |
Noteworthy.ttc | Noteworthy Bold | 9.0d1e1 |
Optima.ttc | Optima Regular | 6.1d4e1 |
Optima.ttc | Optima Bold | 6.1d4e1 |
Optima.ttc | Optima Italic | 6.1d4e1 |
Optima.ttc | Optima Bold Italic | 6.1d4e1 |
Optima.ttc | Optima ExtraBlack | 6.1d4e1 |
Palatino.ttc | Palatino | 9.0d1e1 |
Palatino.ttc | Palatino Italic | 9.0d1e1 |
Palatino.ttc | Palatino Bold | 9.0d1e1 |
Palatino.ttc | Palatino Bold Italic | 9.0d1e1 |
STHeiti Light.ttc | Heiti TC Light | 9.0d5e1 |
STHeiti Light.ttc | Heiti SC Light | 9.0d5e1 |
STHeiti Medium.ttc | Heiti TC Medium | 9.0d4e1 |
STHeiti Medium.ttc | Heiti SC Medium | 9.0d4e1 |
Symbol.ttf | Symbol | 6.1d7e3 |
Thonburi.ttc | Thonburi | 10.9d11e1 |
Thonburi.ttc | Thonburi Bold | 10.9d11e1 |
Thonburi.ttc | Thonburi Light | 10.9d11e1 |
Times LT MM | .Times LT MM | 1.006 |
Times.dfont | Times Roman | 7.0d1e1 |
Times.dfont | Times Bold | 7.0d1e1 |
Times.dfont | Times Italic | 7.0d1e1 |
Times.dfont | Times Bold Italic | 7.0d1e1 |
TimesLTMM | .Times LT MM | 1.006 |
ZapfDingbats.ttf | Zapf Dingbats | 6.1d3e1 |
ヒラギノ明朝 ProN W3.otf | Hiragino Mincho ProN W3 | Version 8.10 |
ヒラギノ明朝 ProN W6.otf | Hiragino Mincho ProN W6 | Version 8.10 |
ヒラギノ角ゴ ProN W3.otf | Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN W3 | Version 8.10 |
ヒラギノ角ゴ ProN W6.otf | Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN W6 | Version 8.10 |