Logic Pro X: Best practices for updating
Backing up the Logic Pro X application

When updating to Logic Pro X via the Mac App Store, the latest version will replace the current version you have installed. As a best practice, before updating (or troubleshooting) Logic Pro X, you should save a copy of the currently installed version as a backup by following these steps.


- Create a new folder in the Applications folder. Name the folder with the name and version of the application (for example, “Logic Pro X 10.0.6"). To check the version of Logic Pro X you have, open the application and choose Logic Pro X > About Logic Pro X. 

- Select the Logic Pro X application in the Applications folder. Choose File > Compress “Logic Pro X." It may take a few minutes to compress. 

- Move the resulting “Logic Pro.zip" file into the folder you created in step 1. 

- Now you can move the folder containing the zip file to your preferred location for storing your backup. For example, you could copy it to an external backup drive. 

Important: It is recommended that you complete any active projects before updating to a new version of Logic Pro.