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MainStage 3: Best practices for updating

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Backing up the MainStage 3 application

When updating to MainStage 3 via the Mac App Store, the latest version will replace the current version you have installed. As a best practice, before updating (or troubleshooting) MainStage 3, you should save a copy of the currently installed version as a backup by following these steps.


  1. Create a new folder in the Applications folder. Name the folder with the name and version of the application (for example, “MainStage 3.0.1"). To check the version of MainStage 3 you have, open the application and choose MainStage 3 > About MainStage 3.

  3. Select the MainStage 3 application in the Applications folder. Choose File > Compress “MainStage 3." It may take a few minutes to compress. 

  5. Move the resulting “MainStage" file into the folder you created in step 1.

  7. Now you can move the folder containing the zip file to your preferred location for storing your backup. For example, you could copy it to an external backup drive.


Important: It is recommended that you complete any active projects before updating to a new version of MainStage 3.

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