iTunes 11.1.4
This version of iTunes resolves an issue where the equalizer may not work as expected and improves performance when switching views in large iTunes libraries. This update also includes additional minor bug fixes.
The previous version of iTunes added support for OS X Mavericks, Arabic, and Hebrew.
Note: If you are using OS X Mavericks, your book library can now be found in iBooks for Mac.
For information on the security content of this update, please visit:
Windows SHA1= 0ad7e8d40be254afd6465a398b9438d0e18db188
Windows 64 SHA1= 8ccbac69e821724ef911db1e2944d5b04b3a2a29
Mac SHA1= 8d5d4b7ef285b0c30343bf1ea70d382efdf90f57
To download iTunes 11.2 for Windows 64 bit: