
Radial Workhorse 5000 & 500 series modules in stock now

Radial_Workhorse_4d6ec4ef9ac88_300x150jdvpreThe Audio Perception store is now stocking the Radial Workhorse 5000 and all of the 500 series modules. The Radial 500 series is taking the industry by storm by offering an incredible array of quality, innovative products, at a price everyone can afford. The line  includes the EXTC guitar effects interface, PhazeQ that can be used to time-align two microphones for greater clarity and realism, as well as being a very powerful EQ, the famed Komit compressor, The JDX Reactor and X-Amp for the guitar players, the amazing PowerPre, and the JDV preamp, especially made for getting the best instrument level sounds into your system. We also have the Steve Via endorsed JD7 Injector and the industry acclaimed J48 MK2 direct box. Check out our Radial page at the AP "Store" here, and contact us directly for the best deals and an even better price than you can get online  818-693-0134