Broadway Control Cubes present an attractive, 'easy-to-install' solution for acoustic treatment where you want to control primary reflections, eliminate flutter echo and reduce standing waves.
Made from high density six pound per cubic foot glass wool, Control Cubes are distributed across the wall surface to treat bothersome reflections that interact between the sound source and the listener. The panels are typically spread in an array so as not to completely deaden the room. This helps control acoustic problems while retaining a sense of 'air' or space in the room.
The Control Cube's shape is particularly well suited for large wall surfaces where you need treatment and would like to create architecturally pleasing patterns. For those with extra artistic flare, this can be taken further by combining Control Cubes with Primacoustic Accent panels to create distinctive shapes and add stunning design elements to any room décor.
Control Cubes are equally effective for use in LEDE live-end/dead-end studio designs or for tightening up the sound in a home theatre and they provide a cost-effective solution for larger spaces such as music practice rooms, dance studios, fitness centers and classrooms that need to be tamed in an effort to reduce the reverberant time.
Broadway Control Cubes are 2-inch thick glass wool panels with bevelled edges and covered in black, grey or beige fabric options.
- Core Material:Formed, semi rigid inorganic glass fibers
- Density:6.0 lbs. per cubic foot (96 kg/m3)
- Fabric Facing:Acoustically transparent polyester tweed
- Encapsulation:Micromesh on front and rear surface, resin treated edges
- Absorption H2O:< 2% by weight @ 120°F (49°C), 95% relative humidity
- Temperature:-20°F ~ 150°F (-29°C ~ 66°C)
- Fire Rating:Class-A (ASTM E 84 / CAN/UL-S102 see details below)
- Mounting:Galvanized steel impalers