The CrashGuard™ and CrashGuard 421™ are drum microphone shields
designed to isolate the drum and reduce the spill from nearby cymbals.
This allows the engineer to increase the attack of the drum without the
cymbals becoming overly present.
Made from high-impact ABS, the light-weight CrashGuard attaches to the
boom arm and is held in place using the microphone’s clip. The inside or
underbelly of the CrashGuard is completely lined with high-density open
cell acoustic foam to reduce internal reflections. The innovative design
features a cable access port that allows the microphone to be articulated
for optimum placement.
The CrashGuard has been tested for fit with many major brands of
instrument microphones. The CrashGuard 421 has been specially
designed to fit the classic Sennheiser MD421 microphone.
• High-density acoustic foam liner
• High-impact ABS outer shell
• Innovative rear access cable port
• Reduces sound of cymbals from spilling into drum mics
• Allows drum mic to be articulated for precise positioning
• Improves isolation for added control of each drum