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OS X Server: Migrating and copying wiki data from Lion Server

Posted in Apple Portable Computers

Important: This process will replace all of the wiki data currently in the OS X Server with the data being migrated from the Lion Server.

Migrating wiki data from Lion Server to OS X Server

  1. On the Lion Server, perform this command in Terminal as an administrator in order to dump the Postgres database to a file:
    sudo pg_dump --format=c --compress=9 --blobs --username=collab --file=/tmp/collab.pgdump collab
  2. Copy /tmp/collab.pgdump from the Lion Server to /tmp/collab.pgdump on the OS X Server, then copy the contents of /Library/Server/Wiki/FileData on the Lion Server to /Library/Server/Wiki/FileData on the OS X Server.
  3. Log in to the OS X Server as an administrator and execute the following commands in Terminal. These commands ensure correct ownership and permissions, start the Postgres database, populate it with the data dumped from the source server, and start up the wiki service:
    sudo chown -R _teamsserver:_teamsserver /Library/Server/Wiki/FileData
    sudo chmod -R +a "www allow search" /Library/Server/Wiki/FileData
    sudo serveradmin stop wiki
    sudo serveradmin start postgres_server
    cd /Applications/
    sudo ./dropdb -h "/Library/Server/PostgreSQL For Server Services/Socket" -U collab collab
    sudo ./createdb -h "/Library/Server/PostgreSQL For Server Services/Socket" -U collab collab
    sudo -u _postgres ./pg_restore -h "/Library/Server/PostgreSQL For Server Services/Socket" -d collab -U collab --single-transaction /tmp/collab.pgdump
    sudo serveradmin start wiki

Note: Migrating wikis does not migrate users or groups. These instructions are intended for use when a new OS X Server is bound to the same directory server as the Lion Server, the users and groups have been migrated from the Lion Server, or the users and groups have been recreated on OS X Server.

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Software Update Server: Disabling the Apache TRACE method

Posted in Apple Portable Computers

Important: Back up the swupd.conf file before editing it.

For information about editing configuration files in OS X Server, see this article.

For the Software Update Server in OS X Server

  1. Turn off the Software Update Server in
  2. Navigate to /Library/Server/Software\ Update/Config/.
  3. Open the swupd.conf file.
  4. Add the directive "TraceEnable off" to the end of the "Global Environment" section of the file.
  5. Save the file as plain text.
  6. Start the Software update Server.

For the Software Update Server in Lion Server and Mac OS X Server 10.6.x

  1. Turn off the Software Update Server in or Server Admin.
  2. Navigate to /private/etc/swupd/.
  3. Open the swupd.conf file in a text editor
  4. Add the directive "TraceEnable off" to the end of the "Global Environment" section of the file.
  5. Save the file as plain text.
  6. Start the Software update Server. 

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OS X Server: Saving a certificate identity to the system keychain does not work with Server services

Posted in Apple Portable Computers


After installing a Certificate Identity into the System keychain, the certificate appears in Server App or Server Admin, however the server services may not utilize the selected certificate. It may appear that the certificate is being used for the services, however when connecting to the service, it may not establish a connection.

OS X Server (Mountain Lion) symptoms: After selecting the certificate from the Certificates pane in Server App, the drop down menu may switch to a previously set certificate or to Custom. If a connection is attempted to a service set to use the new certificate, it may not establish the connection.

Lion Server symptoms: After setting the certificate in the Settings pane of the Server app, it might show Custom settings instead. After clicking the Edit key to show the custom SSL Certificate settings, you may notice all services are set to use the new certificate, except for Web. If you attempt to set the certificate to be used with Web, it may appear to change, then unexpectedly change back to None. If a connection is attempted to a service set to use the new certificate, it may not establish the connection.

Mac OS X Server v10.6 symptoms: From Server Admin's Certificates pane you can see the list of certificates available to the Server, which will include the newly imported certificate. When setting the Server services to use this certificate you may notice that the settings will be kept, but a connection attempted to a service that is set to use the new certificate may not work.

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iPhoto '11: Importing images from your iOS device when My Photo Stream is enabled

Posted in Apple Portable Computers

If My Photo Stream is enabled on your iOS device, any new images taken or imported onto your device will be uploaded to My Photo Stream automatically when your device has a WiFi connection. iCloud will store your photos for 30 days so that your devices have time to connect and download the photos.

If you have enabled My Photo Stream in iPhoto, your recent Photo Stream photos will automatically appear in iPhoto. When Automatic Import is turned on, iPhoto will import your Photo Stream images at full-size to your iPhoto library. This option, available in the Photo Stream tab of iPhoto Preferences, allows you to permanently save all your Photo Stream photos in your iPhoto library.


If you connect your iOS device to manually import photos into iPhoto, iPhoto will automatically detect which photos it has already imported from Photo Stream and display these photos in the "Already Imported" section of the import window. Selecting the default "Import Photos" button will import only photos that have not already been imported from Photo Stream.

If you would like to re-import photos that iPhoto has already imported from My Photo Stream, you can select the images in the import window and then click the "Import Selected" button. iPhoto will prompt you to resolve duplicates.

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OS X Server: iCalendar Message-Based Interoperability Protocol (iMIP) support

Posted in Apple Portable Computers

The incoming IMAP email service must support "plus addressing", the addition of a plus (+) sign and a tag to the name portion of the email address to create a sub-address which the Calendar Server uses to recognize an invitation reply.

If invitation responses are not being acknowledged by the Calendar Server, please check with your ISP (Internet Service Provider) to verify that “plus addressing” is supported through their mail servers.

Note: The IMAP account used for this purpose should be dedicated solely to the calendar server; other incoming emails will be discarded.

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